The Government enforces public inspection and penalties for environmental noise, speeding or drink-driving behavior that endangers environmental quality and traffic safety.
To ensure fair and accurate results, the Bureau of Standards and Inspection (BSI) of the Ministry of Economic Affairs (MOEA) has incorporated the official testing instruments into the technical specifications for calibration and inspection of weights and measures, and has commissioned ETC to carry out calibration and inspection on a regular basis.
Calibration Standards
Inspection is carried out in accordance with CNMV 58-1 and CNMV 58-2 of the Technical Specification for the Inspection of Noise Meters for Public Inspection of the Bureau of Standards and Inspection, Ministry of Economic Affairs.
The main focus is on noise meters that are currently in use or sold domestically in accordance with IEC 61672 class 1 and class 2.
Calibration Items
Calibration is based on the following standards:
In accordance with CNMV 205, the technical specification for the verification and inspection of interval average rate devices for metrology and measurement for official inspection by the Bureau of Standards and Inspection, Ministry of Economic Affairs.
The main objective is to automatically measure and record the passage time of a vehicle between two fixed detection zones and to calculate the average completion of a vehicle's interval.
Calibration Items
Calibration is based on the following standards:
In accordance with the Technical Specification for Calibration and Inspection of Metrology and Weights and Measures Laser Tachymeter CNMV 203 of the Bureau of Standards and Inspection, Ministry of Economic Affairs. The main focus is on the transmission of simultaneous infra-red pulsed light for the detection of police laser tachographs.
Calibration Items
Calibration Standards
The test was carried out in accordance with the Technical Specification for the Calibration and Inspection of Weights and Measures Breathalysers and Analyzers CNMV 126 of the Bureau of Standards and Inspection, Ministry of Economic Affairs. The main focus is on electrochemical testers and infrared analyzers currently in use or available for sale in Taiwan (R.O.C.).
Calibration Items
Calibration is based on the following standards:
In accordance with the Technical Specification for the Calibration and Inspection of Vehicle Emission Analyzers for Official Inspection of Weights and Measures of the Bureau of Standards and Inspection, Ministry of Economic Affairs, CNMV 99, First Edition.
This specification applies to the inspection of vehicle emission analysers for vehicles with gasoline ignition engines equipped with spark plugs.
Calibration Items